Thursday, March 11, 2021

121/180 Zooming Through the Day

Zoom 1:

We looked for shapes with four sides today.

Since the kiddos had experience creating shape art yesterday

they were ready to fly today.Triangles tomorrow!

Zoom 2: Conference 1

Zoom class is a family affair. 
You never know who will visit from day to day,
baby brothers, newborn sisters, cousins, too.
Today G's little brother wanted to paint too.
He was very upset when G told him no.
With some convincing,
they shared. 
I think.
You can't really tell sometimes,
but during conferencing I found out little bro is 3.
Which means next year he will be 4,
and he could possibly be in my class my retirement year
the following year.
Yes, I am always recruiting.

Zoom 3:

When you have to attend a mandatory PD
it could be hit or miss.
Luckily, I'm in Early Childhood Education
and we have good people leading our department.
Racial Sensitivity is not an easy subject to address
but the presenters did it in a respectful and engaging way.
Tough conversations we need to have if we are to 
be better educators and human beings.

Zoom 3.5: I discovered that I can actually be in two zoom rooms at the same time,
even if for a few minutes between ending of a PD (2:30pm) and 2:30pm Intervention.

Zoom 4: Intervention Group A
With my EL group,
we worked on story and characters,
and I snuck in the sight word the.

Zoom 5: Intervention Group B
I love hanging out with these kids after class.
They are so enthusiastic,
even when they don't want to be.
It's a long day, but I try to make it fun.

Zoom 6: District Parent Meeting
I'm very proud of myself,
I didn't volunteer to serve on a subcommittee tonight.
It was to review a survey.
I didn't need to do that,
I've got other things to do.

Zoom 7: Parent Conference at 7:00pm

The best thing about Zoom is that I can sign on from home.
No more waiting in the classroom after sunset
for late conferences.
I have never met J's mom face to face;
she works long hours,
but I wanted the chance to tell her 
thank you for raising such a wonderful son.
J always signs on with a 
smile on his face ready to learn.
I wanted to tell her what a joy he was 
and how proud I am that he is doing well
in such a challenging year.
I was able to give his big sister a shout out 
for her help with him when he is in class
and intervention. 
She's a college freshmen.
Not the way you would think you would spend your
first year in college, 
and I appreciate it.
I appreciate a lot of things this year.

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