Saturday, December 19, 2020

80/180 Bittersweet

Today, I took my first hot shower in my new redo bathroom.
Today, I met my team at the 7:00AM mass.
Today, I prayed for one of the sweetest and most giving person I know 
who is fighting Covid, so we can retire together like we were planning to.

Today, I stopped by one of mom's favorite places to buy breakfast for Bryce.
Today, I remember the day I had to say goodbye 5 years ago.
Today, I miss her, like everyday.

Today, we made a book, learned the word the, played ukulele, and drew a reindeer.

Today, we used our new art kits to create.

Today, we wore pajamas and class teeshirts.
Today, we watched The Snowman and drank hot chocolate.

Today, I heard children say they will miss me during break.
Today, I felt grateful that we made it through this school year.

Today, I took my best buddy for a long drive.
Today, I sang Christmas carols, Queen, and songs from The Greatest Showman 
without anyone telling me not to.

Today, I went to visit mom with her favorite coffee and a Christmas tree.

Today, I went to visit Dad with coffee and a Christmas tree.

Today, I stopped by Judy's with Diet Coke (McDonalds didn't have Diet Pepsi)
and a live Christmas tree. (I wasn't sure she'd like the artificial ones we had growing up).

Today, I took 7 hours of self-care, 
in my Subaru,
on the 99 freeway, 
with my buddy Burger.

Today, we stopped for Bacon Love ice cream and Moo fries.
Today, I officially started Winter Break. 

Thursday, December 17, 2020

79/180 Wreaths, Menorahs, and Brown Bears


Today was holiday craft day!
It's not truly art because it's directed
but the elements of art are included
and of course fine motor skills and following directions.
Even though it was directed,
each finished product is unique to it's creator.
I'm still in love with the way N creates.
She has the materials everyone else does,
I know because I have personally made each delivery, 
but creates her own interpretation 
and I love that!

We incorporated counting and measurement in our menorah's.

We lit each candle as we counted on this 8th night of Chanukah.

"A teachable moment is an unplanned opportunity that arises in the classroom where a teacher has a chance to offer insight to his or her students. A teachable moment is not something that you can plan for; rather, it is a fleeting opportunity that must be sensed and seized by the teacher." - Beth Lewis

Today we had a teachable moment.

Thanks to donors, I gave each student three ECE books: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, and There's a Bird on Your Head (a favorite of mine). I had included them in their holiday bags yesterday. During class, I noticed a few of them reading Brown Bear during break. J's eyes lit up when I mentioned maybe we could all read it together in class. I wasn't going to use the books until the new year, but there are times when you just go with it because it's the right moment.

We all took out our book.
The kids followed the read along.

D let me know that he recognized the word see and that he could read the book using the words and the pictures to help him. So I challenged all my students to read the book using the words they know and the pictures to help them. 

The foundations of early literacy... (I love my job!)

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

78/180 GOAL!

For the first time this school year
I got to see all my students in one day.
(Well birthday girl E was on zoom, but didn't get to see her face to face)
13 students picked up materials and gifts in front of the school
masks and hand sanitizer provided.

I hadn't intended to deliver to all the rest in one day
but after 6 of them, 
I thought,
what the heck
lets go for 21/21!
It took 3 hours and 20 minutes
from start to finish, 
but I completed my goal...
including meeting D for the first time
and seeing A who can't attend synchronous class.
It was just nice to connect with them outside of a Chromebook screen.

We also had a nice day before that.

We took a fabulous virtual field trip to the Natural History Museum.

It's a place we would have taken the Metro Goldline to get to.

Where students explore fossils, admire gems, run the mammal halls,

and learn what a rotunda is

by looking up at one of the most beautiful ones in the city.

Not this year,

but hopefully they will get to go there next year.

Then we got to share our memory boxes
and something special we put in them.
I shared an electronic santa stuck in a chimney.
It was a gift I got in 1999 from a student.
I don't remember who, 
but I do remember my nephew Aaron as a 3 year old
asking me who that man was.
Fond memories.

I had to drive to school to meet the kids
so I couldn't be there when they shared their favorite memories.
So next best thing.
Zoom audio on my phone.
Caught the tail end when I parked.
It was a nice day.

77/180 Snowmen and Santas

 I enjoy Tuesdays with Ms. T.

I have learned so much from her each week.

During "normal" face to face instruction

she would work with students with IEPs away from the class.

This year, 

she leads the whole class in weekly activities and

all the students benefit from developing and strengthening their fine motor skills.

I benefit from acquiring ideas on how to develop and strengthen those same skills.

Today we threw "snowball" socks into baskets on our tummies.
This helps strengthen your wrists.
Then we made no sew snowmen with socks, beans/rice, and rubber bands.
The snowmen could be used as a sensory toy.
Such cool ideas.
We're using them next year!

We ended the day with directed Santa drawings.
I love how proactive and confident N is about her Santa.
She gathers her own materials and makes do with what she has.
I love how she is independent!

I miss the traditional activities we do in class.
I miss the holiday performances.
I miss the smell of fudge.
But will continue to give this class as much as the past classes have received
despite being at home.
Class teeshirts, art kits, and favorite books going home tomorrow... 
just like they did the past years.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

76/180 Last Monday Zoom of 2020

Today I moved into another room.
I set up shop 2 feet away from the WiFi router.
I didn't get kicked out.
I had 3 monitors, an iPhone11, and a 4 pound canine within reach.
This is virtual teaching.

I attended a Sunday Skirball Art Workshop yesterday.
We made Hanukah Keepsake Boxes with artist Kate Lipsett,
who specializes in collage art.
Guess what my students made today?

I love watching children create so much!

Saturday, December 12, 2020

75/180 WiFi Worries and Birthday Cake

Today, my Wifi dropped.

Not once, not twice, but at least 3 times.

I tell my families not to take it personal if they are kicked out of zoom.

I told them I understand.

Now, they know I do.

Today, I had three monitors in front of me.
The light is not the best,
but at least I can see them,
the slides, and the Home Screen at the same time.
Today we created our "measurement" tree.
So proud at how students/families
followed directions and used their creativity 
to complete the activity that we usually do in class.
Each unique and different!
I especially love, love N's ability to problem solve
when she couldn't find colored paper. 

Today, Daniel turned 20.
I wasn't there for the first 4,
but I have celebrated the last 16 with him.
Such a blessing to have a village 
that surround and support him.
Happy Birthday Buddy!
You're done with the teens now.
Keep moving forward...

Friday, December 11, 2020

74/180 Things I Learned on Thursday...

First time teaching from home in a long time.

Learned a few things today...

I learned that good lighting matters.

I learned that Bryce's TV can serve as a second monitor.

I learned that a 3rd device would be optimal.

I learned that wifi in Alhambra is not as reliable as wifi in East LA.

I learned that you look better dancing and stretching with a laptop stand.

I learned that I need a laptop stand.

I learned that senior dogs don't like it if you are home and don't pay attention to them.

I learned that you have time to pick up food your 90 year old neighbor

doesn't want during zoom breaks.

I learned that even though you're teaching in the next room, 

you can still get a text saying your child is not in class.

Did I mention we are in the same house?

I learned that I have more than one friend over 85 that sends me lovely cards with gifts 
even though I am not their teacher.
I learned that although a virtual field trip to Skirball's Noah's Ark
is not as exciting as spending the day at Noah's Ark,
their focus remains relevant: 

There will always be storms. Some more strong and violent than others. 
We are weathering one right now. 

There will always be places where we can gather to learn, work, and grow together.

After storms, comes a rainbow. New beginnings. New hope. (New Year...)

Happy First Night of Chanukah!
(Hanukkah Charcuterie Board by Berger Family) 

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

73/180 Goodbye Room 27... for 2020.

Today I said goodbye to our classroom... again.

Time to work from home until the spread slows down.

It was nice having access to a space where I am most 

comfortable teaching.

A place where I could go back to a routine

of some sort

and not be in my yoga pants daily.

A place with more reliable wifi

and no dog interruptions.

A place where I don't have to monitor

the school activity of a 13 year old

who doesn't learn well online.

Goodbye until next year.

I packed my car.

I have gifts bags that were not quite ready yet.

Next week I will find a way to get

hot chocolate,

classic literature books,

magnetic alphabets, 

and book making supplies

home to my students.

There will be an extra special surprise 

in the bags too. 

The surprise wasn't ready yet.

Quick stop to my weekly scheduled visit,
but I think I can skip a few weeks now
that I will be at home.
For the next week, 
my small living room
will be even more smaller.

72/180 Capes with a Message

Being a part of the Skirball Teacher Advisory Council

has some wonderful perks.

Participating in the Family Sunday Workshops

is definitely one of them.

Family Workshops

Last month, I got to attend one inspired by the work of

Aram Han Sifuentes.

Aram and her lovely daughter were there to lead us.

How cool is that?! Pretty cool!

I didn't have a box of materials

so I scrambled around the house instead to create my slogan...

Of course, 

just like Kinetic Creatures,

I had to take it back to my students.

It was a perfect family activity for our clothing study

and I had FedCo Grant money just sitting there...


24 boxes later...

I created a lesson for my students.
In case you're interested,
I posted the link to the slides I used below.

What my students "produced" was even more beautiful than I had imagined!

And of course,
we made capes too!

It's been a long day.

Getting ready to pack up and move tomorrow

back to home classroom.

Should be interesting 

with a teen next door.

But now I have a beautiful bathroom I can retreat to

when needed,

for some peace and quiet...

and a beautiful floor to look at!


Tuesday, December 8, 2020

71/180 Times Up...

I thought I had time to get more supplies out to students.

I thought I had time to go shop for gifts for staff.

I thought I had time to clear out more stuff.

I thought I had time to pick up special tees.

I thought I had time to pick up personalized goodies.

I thought I had till December 18th.

I thought wrong.

We're closing up shop Wednesday.

Which means we are moving back to home office.

Which means packing teaching supplies.

Which means figuring out how to pass out gift bags next week.

Which means more added stress on a already jammed packed Monday.

It's okay.
I can teach at home.
It's just different
and sometimes more challenging.
Time to pass out Saturday Intervention materials.
Time to quickly create a book making kit for students
with the wonderful markers and staplers funded by family and friends

I asked the students to send photos of their kinetic animals when they were done.
Each time I get a photo
My heart sings!
Look how amazing they are!
It's not about making it perfect
as much as it is about having fun, 
creating with families,
and feeling a sense of accomplishment.

Friday, December 4, 2020

70/180 Magical Creatures

There is something magical about tapping into a child's imagination.

It's even more special when families

and children work together to create.

Today we turned our animal drawings into 

Kinetic creatures.

The results were one of a kind art pieces

and am amazing and fun time had by all!

How can you not love the sights and sounds of an artist at work.
It never gets old.
Oh be still my heart... #artmatters