Saturday, September 22, 2018

25 Days in ETK #HereWeGo #Year32

Things I have learned so far in this year school year as an educator 
and a mom...
- chalkboard markers erase easily with water.
and I didn't need an extra board for "last day of school."
-habits brought to school are extremely hard to break
and with (no pressure) practice and modeling, we will get there.

-eventually, they will cut out shapes with scissors!
-Friday, Paint Day is messy and so worth it!
-colored permanent markers makes learning just that much more fun!
-running into old friends, in familiar places, makes me happy!
-if you think it's interesting
they will think it's interesting.
-with a little patience, 
and a little time,
beautiful things happen!
 -writing is still one of my favorite times of the day!
 -adding a goat to your selfie makes it a better selfie!
 -Daniel and I are both universal donors and O+
-hearing you are probably going to go on strike
after you wrote a big check to the afterschool program 
you just registered your middle schooler for 
and learning he will need braces soon...
 isn't the best news on a Friday afternoon.
 -the people you care about the most
can be the same people that test your sanity...
like everyday!