Sunday, June 12, 2022

5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Kindergarten Here They Come!

Counting down to 180...


Rehearsing for a Culmination on Zoom. 

Hopefully, our last culmination on Zoom.

It was different,
but the excitement of the day remains the same.
Balloons, Graduation Leis, Candy Baskets, and Teddy Bears too!
It's not a graduation,
but a celebrating of completing a year.
So happy that every child had someone show up for them,
and lots of photos of a special event in their lives and mine.

If they only knew,
that I learn just as much,
if not more,
than they learn from me.
Today my teen had to leave his "game" room.
He agreed to work this summer.
He wasn't happy about it,
but he committed.
it's at an Early Childhood Education Center,
working with young children with special needs.
He survived,
and maybe even liked it a little.

When you make a chore a part of play.
End of the year cleaning and organization is no joke.

1! Last Day of 2021-2022
I thought last year was tough,
but this year was probably tougher.
Teaching from behind a mask,
weekly covid testing,
closed campus, 
and students performance webinars,
it was different.
But we still managed to establish routines,
laugh, sing, dance, and play everyday,
identify letters and numbers,
go on six field trips,
makes friends,
build relationships,
and find the joy in learning.
Off to Kindergarten!

My last photo collage for parents of the year
is probably my favorite.
It's a side by side from the first day to the last day.

Amazed at how they have grown!
Privileged to be a part of their lives,
honored to watch them grow.
#dowhatyoulove #lovewhatyoudo

After 6 years in ETK-PCC,
I decided to make a change.
I love teaming,
but wanted to go back to a self-contained class model
so that I could teach in a more systematic way again.
UTK offered that opportunity.
I'm excited,
and a little sad
that I won't have the best TA's to work along side me.
Change is growth.
I want to keep growing.

One of the first people I met at my current school was Gabriel.
I was pushing a carpet up the ramp and 
asked him if he could open my room.
He didn't know me,
and he was busy,
but he helped me out.
Then he told Bryce to make good choices.
Bryce still remembers him.
He will retire officially in August,
but we celebrated him today.
There are good people in the world.
He is one of them.
Today, we celebrated the end of my 35th year.
Today, we celebrated his first.
I am ready for summer!
It's been exhausting
and I need the time to 
and rebuild my relationship as a parent of a teen.
But first I have to finish my CUMS,
and attend CGI training next week...


Saturday, June 4, 2022

174: I See You

He's come a long way.

This week he went into the bathroom on his own

and wasn't afraid.

And he even flushed!

It was huge.

Yesterday, he sat with his group

and wrote/drew for 20 minutes.

It was huge.

Today, he drew a self portrait.

I don't really know for sure if it was a self portrait,

but we all agreed it looked like it was.

Had to capture it before he erased.

I'm going to miss him next year.

I might have to stop by his new school

just to check in.

I see you L.

Keep moving forward!

When you are presented with a thoughtful teacher gift,

you wear it! 

Today, we did.

the drive in traffic is worth it.
Today would be one of those times.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

173: Then and Now

It's hard to have writing workshop when there are small groups.

The time allotted is never enough for some,

and too much for others.

Next year, I want to go back to daily Writing Workshop.

But until then, 

I will celebrate our small successes!