Monday, June 12, 2017

1/62 Hello Summer!

 Friday was the last day of school for students.
Today was the last day of school for teachers.
Tomorrow is the first day of a summer full of goals!
I was on Social Committee this year.
It is the committee must dreaded by the teachers at my school
(or so I have learned).
When we choose committees, it's by "lottery number!"
Each teacher chooses a ticket
and the ones with the lower numbers choose first.
Last year I got a low number,
but I exchanged it with a colleague who had a high number
and didn't want to end up on the dreaded Social Committee!
I've been there.
Done that.
But didn't mind doing it again.
I like to celebrate and recognize colleagues.
I had a good team with a great co-partner that took charge too!
We honored a colleague who was retiring today after 20 years at the school.
I'm new, so I don't know the history or any conflicts.
It's good not to know.
End of year BBQ!
Our school actually owns a big bbq grill!
Who knew?!
When you have a competent TA who packed up your room when you are in a staff meeting in the morning and come back to a done classroom! #amazingteam #nocupboardsinclassroom
So goodbye room 27.
Thank you for teaching me this year.
I look forward to learning from you next year.
See you again soon.
(Maybe my spatial friend Sophia can come
and arrange the classroom for us this August!
Happy Summer Vacation LAUSD peeps and all educators everywhere!
It's time to relax, regroup, and reenergize!

Saturday, June 10, 2017

180/180 AND IT'S A WRAP! #YEAR30

Last day of school is a little bit crazy...
especially for young children 
who need predictable routines.
Paperwork is due.
Walls are down.
Classroom materials are packed up.
things aren't always so structured
and organized
and planned.

It's always a little bittersweet.
This year especially since some of our students will not be returning.
The PCC kids are going back to their home schools
and a few are moving away.
I'll miss not being able to watch them grow and mature.

Those of us in early childhood are patient people.
We have to wait years before we reap what we sow.
This is the time of year when I get to reap and reap and reap...
It's my favorite time of the year!

Once a 5 year old in my classroom... fast forward 12 years later!
#teachersknow #itsnotaboutthemoneymoney #joy #rewardsofthejob
Today as I hugged Damien goodbye and good luck (he won't return in the fall), I told him I couldn't wait to see him in 13 years at his high school graduation. I am sure he didn't understand what I meant, but I do...

Thursday, June 8, 2017

179/180 The end is near...

Tomorrow is the last day of school.
It's been nearly 180 days since I moved to ETK.
It's been a learning, re-learning year for me in early childhood education.
But I can honestly say.... I love-loved it!

Favorite pics of the week:
We didn't paint enough.
Maybe we can never paint enough.
But I'd like to try more next year.
Love just watching them create!
The egg laying continues!
Today's activities:
Last journal entry.
Making peanut butter cookies from scratch.
Lets see if we can fit everything in the storage bin
because we have no cupboards in the classroom!
#sisepuede #notinmygarage 

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

178/180 The Sounds of Discovery! (From Silkworm to Cocoon to Moth to Eggs!)

Our silkworms had spun their cocoon a few weeks back. 
I wasn't sure if they would metamorphosis in time.
With 3 days to spare, they did!
With 2 days to spare, they gave my young (and oh so excited) scientists another experience to remember! #witnessestolifecycle #layingeggs #matingmoths
I love how excited they are and of course they are talking at the same time!
J is so excited that he switches from his second language 
to primary language to express his thoughts 
and feelings about what is is observing!
Joy to my ears!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017


The grade level decided to plan two days of fast, fun-filled, learning activities for our 4-6 year olds. Each teacher/classroom chose an appropriate activity for young children.
Students would rotate to different classrooms.
It's a win-win!
My ETK students go to visit their future kindergarten teachers too!
Activities for field day included:
Playdough Station
Shaving Cream Station
Sidewalk Chalk Station
Parachute Station
Music and Dance Station
Slime Station
Water play Station
and our station was created by my talented team teacher!
We were the Obstacle Course Station!

Setting up...
Following directions is not always easy when you're 5!
A fun time was had by all!
And we all wore our class shirts today too!

Monday, June 5, 2017

176/180 Meeting and Exceeding

The kinder teachers are rewarding the students that exceed benchmark.
So I thought we should too!
The PLF goal was for students to know 1/2 their letters and start making sound connections.
There is not a specific goal for high frequency words or reading 
(which I think is totally fine!)
There are kids that exceed those goals
There are families that work hard to give their children a head start.
So today my wonderful TA, 2 parents, and I took 11 of those students to have lunch at McDonalds.
I know, not so healthy, but every once and awhile.... (we had water)

Lunch Bunch: Names all letter, knows the sound correspondence to each letter, and reads at least 8 high frequency words.
When there are NO cupboards except for the short ones above the sink...
You find ways to sort, organize, and box your things!
Because you had a chance to get online at 9:00am...
and students need experiences out in the community...
you request 8 trips and 16 buses to bring your entire school to see Irises!
#fingerscrossed #fieldtriprequests #luckyday

Friday, June 2, 2017

175/180 Hooray for ETK!

Today was our ETK Culmination!
After the initial silent sing,
the kids warmed up and a good time was had by all!

It was also National Donut Day!
When there's only 8 kids left, then you can buy a dozen!
#last5 #willmissthemexceptfor2 #favoritememoryILIKEtoSLEEP
I won't miss two because they are coming back this fall!

Thursday, June 1, 2017

174 The Long and Winding Road...

that leads.... to this! #earlywriting #usingsoundstheyknow #makingconnections #kindergartenherewecome

I know this may not make sense to the naked eye,
but she has used many strategies here.
As she progresses, she will monitor more closely, but in the meantime...
her sentence is not a pattern and she includes wonderful details.
I told her only to write the sounds she knows and move on.
This way emergent writers don't get stuck on perfect spelling.
There is plenty of time to learn to edit.
"I went to (is) the(missing) store wi th my mom and bought a folded scooter"
Can you read her sentence?

What about this one? Picture cues!

Y is a typical beginning writer.
She is learning her sounds and writes the initial sounds she hears.
The ones she doesn't know, she skips.
What does it say? *Hint: She drew a picture of her brother and sister.