Saturday, April 20, 2019

Six Crazy Days... In January

Six crazy days.
In the rain.
On the train.
At City Hall,
and around the block.
On my birthday.
All in red.
Did we really gain anything?
Maybe awareness is enough.
For now.
I missed my students.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Better Late Than Never: Winter Break 2018 Review

I realized that it's been a while since I've checked in.
Life gets in the way when you are on your own
trying to balance work and family.
It's been a little crazy.

Much of my winter break can be seen here:
I was lucky enough to host another Flat Stanley this winter! This time from North Carolina!

Here's a quick review of my winter break in photos...

Always a treat to spend time with former students. Rosalia dropped into town for a quick visit to Noodle World.
I dropped by to meet her lovely daughter and say hello to her son Liam and hubby.
She's come a long way since White House Place Primary Center.
#Proudteacher #Thingsthatmakemyhearthappy

My mom was the glue that stuck our Chinese family together. 
She made the phone calls. She checked in on others. 
We hadn't seen our cousin and his family since her funeral.
It had been three years.
It was time to reconnect.
He is a lot older than us and son of my father's older brother.
His face always reminded me of dad's face,
Not so much now that he is older.
They have done well in America and always credits mom for being kind to them.
A picture of her hangs in Emily's kitchen.

We drove down to San Diego to visit Uncle Fred's family.
He is mom's youngest sibling.
The last time we took this photo,
at the same bar,
in the same restaurant,
mom was there.
After dim sum, we took pictures by the duck pond.
I can't believe these ladies are all grown up.
They are my favorite.
I love being their Dada.
I convinced them that it would be fun to work for 8 hours putting glue on flowers.
Our hardwork earned our city of Alhambra an award!

Some people are lucky.
They live close to family. 
When you only see your siblings once or twice a year,
You value the time spent together.
I wish they were closer.

 Ended my winter break appreciating art with Daniel and my dear friend Nicole.
Hello 2019...