Thursday, September 15, 2016


I found a melted crayon on the yard and shared it with two of my girls at outdoor play.

Me: Look girls! What happened to the crayon?
A and V looks at my crayon.
Me: Look what it does (as it droops). Feel it!
A and V are fascinated.
I leave the crayon and go inside to CELDT test.

5 minutes later...

A and V come running in.
A and V: Look! We painted our fingers!
Me: How?
A and V: The crayon!
Me: What else did you discover? You are being a scientist!  What can you do with the crayon?
A and V stare with no ideas.
Me: Why don't you take some crayons and see what you can do.

Girls leave and come back to get some paper towels. They put some crayons on the towels outside.

Causalities of sharing your playground with other classes during the day: (After Lunch)

A and V: Our crayons are missing. They are gone! (The crayons they left on the yard in the towel)
(The girls also put crayons in their cubbies).

Me: Would you like to put your crayons on a plate so they won't get lost and take them outside again.

A and V: Yes! Yes!
(I give them plates and they leave while I continue to CELDT test)

10 minutes later...
Me: What happened to your crayon?
V: It got smashed!
Me: Oh, did it melt?
A and V: Yes!
Me: I wonder why they melted? Look at the crayons in your cubbies. Did they melt? I wonder why.

*I don't think they made the connection between the heat of the sun and the wax (they will), but they did make observations and were so excited about what they discovered... even if they didn't know how to express it orally. Love discovery! No matter how small...


  1. They are sharing their observations orally!! That's a kinder standard 😊

    1. It's a preschool foundations too! Just making observations! I love that!

  2. Replies
    1. I can't wait until they start making more connections Anna! Right now we are just trying to get through lunch! Afternoons are wacky! LOL!
