Monday, September 21, 2020

23/180 Gratitude

It's been a tough year.

Not the way we expect things to be.

But we keep moving forward.

I saw this posting on someone's FaceBook last week.

It describes me.

I love to help.

Asking for help, 

well that's more challenging.

Today is World Gratitude Day.

I am grateful for so many things... 

and people.

(This is just from the past week...)

I am grateful for former students that become attorneys
and will sit in a long SST meeting just to support a fragile teen parent
looking for answers to help her kid.
I am equally grateful for her guidance in helping me raise 
and find support needed to help my young adult become more independent.

I am grateful for old friends that speak up and out
and share her expertises in a room full of professions.
I am grateful for her generosity in supporting my classroom, my students,
my sons, and my causes.

I am grateful for a teaching team
that allowed me to leave class early today, 
drive home, 
and take a last minute cancelation 
appointment with a busy doctor.

I am grateful for the recommendation
of a trusted friend,
who led me to find,
someone who would find a lower rate,
and make it possible for me
to fix my home,
and shower again.

I am grateful for the two amazing friends and coworkers
I work with each week 
who can take my crazy visions,
turn them into reality,
and make my life less stressful 
at work and home.

I am grateful to friends old and new,
who continue to give and donate
so that my students have all they need to learn at home
and I have all I need to teach them.

I am grateful for the kind and caring 
friends, family, students, and coworkers
who will come to the aid of two families in need
without asking for anything in return.
Their generosity far exceeded my expectations.

It's been a tough year.
But there is also much to be grateful for.

Thank You, and you know who you are.
I am grateful to have you in my life.

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