Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Things that need to be present in the classroom:
Daily Schedule
Class Rules
Discipline Plan...

This year I don't have the extreme challenges I had last year, but we have a group of special friends that need guidance in following procedures and routines. The playhouse and blocks are amazing centers, but they are the centers that are a complete mess after use. I want our students to be responsible and respectful to materials and others, and there should be consequences when they are not.

Last year I tried NOT to use the color chart, but ended up needing to or thinking I needed to.
It really didn't help with my severe challenges; it just kept the majority in check.

We have shared our school rules:
Be responsible, Be safe.... Be respectful, Yay! Yay!  (which means blah blah blah when you are 4. Too abstract maybe?)

So our classrooms are more specific in describing the abstract concept:

I will follow the rules.
I will listen to my teacher.
I will be nice to everybody.
I keep my hands to myself.
I will follow directions.

But what happens when "that" kid is not following the rules? My team partner and I wanted to think of appropriate consequences for our students; and to focus on the positive rather than be punitive in our discipline plan so...

He shared a chart he used in his past sped classes. All students started on the bottom level at the beginning of the day. Students would move up when they displayed appropriate classroom behavior. They never went down. For the ones that reached the top, they were reward in some way, a sticker, first choice at centers, etc.  I really liked that idea!
But instead of a chart, I wanted something more visual, so we have a tree (to keep with the Very Hungry Caterpillar theme this year), although I thought a mountain would be good too... climb to the top of the mountain made more sense! The students pictures will be on leaves and they will all start at the roots and see how many can climb to the top! I hope it works! If not, we'll try and try again!

We discussed what we thought would be appropriate when student are really having a difficult time following rules or display extreme behavior. The benefit of having another teacher in the classroom with you... is that there is another teacher in the classroom with you! So here's our "plan" for discipline. After 1. redirecting  2. reminding , we will ask our friend to visit the library corner for some thinking time, but he/she will not be alone. An adult will go and help him/her understand what happened and come up with an action plan. (Probably done in about 60 seconds, if that long).  Of course parents will get progress reports to keep them informed and also to ask for their support too!
Still working on the forms for that one. Will post when I am done.

*My alphabet frieze went up today! I'll talk about that in another entry. So exciting!

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