Tuesday, October 6, 2020

33/180. Less Is More

I love the 7 (8) Habits.

I usually start earlier,

but this year is different.

Today we started on Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind.

I introduced what goals were and we set some.

I usually start with modeling my goals and then move forward,

but decided to set ME, YOU, and US goals.

I think we did pretty well.

Tomorrow we become each others' accountability partners!
Here's my evidence for today...

Even though we are teaching remotely this year,
I feel we have made a connection with students.
Still, I wanted to get to know them more.

Today, we started our enrichment after class.
I wanted a way to assess students for DRDP (preschool measures)
and spend some quality time to get to know them.
It was amazing!
My amazing TAs and I meet in small groups after our class time.
We heard students speak that never really spoke before.
We found out that one of our EL students could speak in complete English sentences.
One cried, maybe it was too much.
So we let him enjoy the rest of his day.
P spoke up again.
She never speaks during class time. 
But I knew she would if we were alone.
And she did.
It was a nice period.

Today I was going to order an additional 10 ukuleles for music class.
To my surprise,
14 parents ordered one.
3 were bought and donated to families from my teaching assistants.
So I only needed to pay for 3!
Every child will have one to play and use during music class!
I'm a lucky teacher!


  1. I would love to know how you will be using your ukuleles with your TK students.

    1. Heidi, we have a music teacher for the next 20 weeks to help teach us! I'll keep you updated! Hope your year is going well!
