Wednesday, March 22, 2017

130/180 Transitions to Kindergarten

We're down to 50 days.
All, but 4 of my students will be going to kindergarten this fall.
Time to slowly introduce some kinder skills and routines.
First up, concept of print.
Jesus recently learned how to write his name!
So proud of him! He's been making all kinds of letter connections.
And I can finally understand what he is saying sometimes!
He can match print and knows to start left to right.
#comealongway #goJesus!

I usually do that cutting of their sentences, but I thought,
why not see if some of them could cut between words themselves!
#surprisediscoveries #sisepuede!

 Y can match words I printed on her paper.
She can go left to right, and has 1 to 1.
If you are wondering, her mommy has 3 babies in her belly.
She is 1/3 of my triplets!

D is a beginning reader. I love how he plays with print.

Another one writes his name!
23 down, 2 to go!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing. I am enjoying your posts and videos so much.
