Friday, May 21, 2021

165/180 Long Road to Friday...

Friday couldn't come soon enough this week.

The end of the year is such an exhausting time,

even more so when you are teaching two classes each day 

and trying to make them the same, but different.

Today we continued to explore air and weather.

Yesterday, my Zoomies used straws to try to get objects to move.
We can't do that in person,
but we can use plastic syringes (#fosskit)
and do the same investigation.

Then we made spiral wind socks. The wind decided to cooperate today!

When you have to do ELPAC testing virtually and kids need to listen carefully
but there are 4 people on Zoom in the classroom
and 15 kids chatting on screen. 
#sciencelab #twodevices #longafternoon

Had to get in on the science action on Zoom.
Nice break from testing.

Today's investigation: Capture air!

11 years ago today, I was parenting a 3 and 9 year old.
Today they are 14 and 20.
It's not as cute these days.
It was a very horrible, terrible, no good, very bad afternoon. Some days are like that... even in Australia.


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