Saturday, December 19, 2020

80/180 Bittersweet

Today, I took my first hot shower in my new redo bathroom.
Today, I met my team at the 7:00AM mass.
Today, I prayed for one of the sweetest and most giving person I know 
who is fighting Covid, so we can retire together like we were planning to.

Today, I stopped by one of mom's favorite places to buy breakfast for Bryce.
Today, I remember the day I had to say goodbye 5 years ago.
Today, I miss her, like everyday.

Today, we made a book, learned the word the, played ukulele, and drew a reindeer.

Today, we used our new art kits to create.

Today, we wore pajamas and class teeshirts.
Today, we watched The Snowman and drank hot chocolate.

Today, I heard children say they will miss me during break.
Today, I felt grateful that we made it through this school year.

Today, I took my best buddy for a long drive.
Today, I sang Christmas carols, Queen, and songs from The Greatest Showman 
without anyone telling me not to.

Today, I went to visit mom with her favorite coffee and a Christmas tree.

Today, I went to visit Dad with coffee and a Christmas tree.

Today, I stopped by Judy's with Diet Coke (McDonalds didn't have Diet Pepsi)
and a live Christmas tree. (I wasn't sure she'd like the artificial ones we had growing up).

Today, I took 7 hours of self-care, 
in my Subaru,
on the 99 freeway, 
with my buddy Burger.

Today, we stopped for Bacon Love ice cream and Moo fries.
Today, I officially started Winter Break. 

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