Wednesday, December 16, 2020

78/180 GOAL!

For the first time this school year
I got to see all my students in one day.
(Well birthday girl E was on zoom, but didn't get to see her face to face)
13 students picked up materials and gifts in front of the school
masks and hand sanitizer provided.

I hadn't intended to deliver to all the rest in one day
but after 6 of them, 
I thought,
what the heck
lets go for 21/21!
It took 3 hours and 20 minutes
from start to finish, 
but I completed my goal...
including meeting D for the first time
and seeing A who can't attend synchronous class.
It was just nice to connect with them outside of a Chromebook screen.

We also had a nice day before that.

We took a fabulous virtual field trip to the Natural History Museum.

It's a place we would have taken the Metro Goldline to get to.

Where students explore fossils, admire gems, run the mammal halls,

and learn what a rotunda is

by looking up at one of the most beautiful ones in the city.

Not this year,

but hopefully they will get to go there next year.

Then we got to share our memory boxes
and something special we put in them.
I shared an electronic santa stuck in a chimney.
It was a gift I got in 1999 from a student.
I don't remember who, 
but I do remember my nephew Aaron as a 3 year old
asking me who that man was.
Fond memories.

I had to drive to school to meet the kids
so I couldn't be there when they shared their favorite memories.
So next best thing.
Zoom audio on my phone.
Caught the tail end when I parked.
It was a nice day.

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