Wednesday, November 17, 2021

62: Gratitude Game

I've been posting a question each day 
for families on our school's ClassDojo. 
They have the option of posting comments if they would like
and a few have.

A person I am grateful for.
So many choices, but I am going to say, 
other than my immediate family,
it would be my uncle Ray.
He came to America.
He served in the Army.
He was the one that sponsored my parents,
grandma (his mother), my sister, and I
so that we could come to America.
I remember him as a caring, strong man.
He took care of his family.
Something I am grateful for is being a teacher.
I am lucky that I have found something that brings me so much joy.
It isn't always easy, but at the end of the day,
I know what I do matters
and I learn as much from my students
and families, as they learn from me.
A memory I am grateful for is when Lowell Milken came to my school
and handed me a big check.
It wasn't so much about the recognition,
but that I was able to share my love of teaching
with my mom.
For the first time, 
I think she understood that what I chose to do 
was just as valued as someone who makes lot more money.
She read the Chinese Newspaper and learned why I love teaching.
I convinced her to experience the awards banquet with me
because I wanted to honor her hard work and determination to
give us a better life.
And she did.

Today, I am grateful, once again, for my generous friends and donors
who continually help support my students and I with materials that make
learning more engaging

I am grateful for public transportation and iPhones 
that help navigate a huge city for a young man that needs
extra support to get where he needs to go.
I am equally grateful for apps that track my young man when
he learns how to get where he needs to go.
I am grateful that I teach in a school community
that is inclusive, supportive, and kind to my child
as he begins a new job.

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