Wednesday, November 10, 2021

59: Wacky Wednesday

There was something in the water today.
Well, we suspect there was something
because everyone seemed to have an
extra kick and bursts of energy,
everyone, except the teachers.
But it's a mid-week Friday.
I am grateful for a day off to catch up on progress reports.
Tomorrow is Veteran's Day.

Today, I am grateful for the artwork Luka leaves around the room.
It gives me some insight on who he is.
Could this be Little Boy Blue?
Today, I am grateful for Fernanda,
who is a shining example
of what it is to be a kind and considerate friend.
Thank you for being THAT KID.
Today, I am grateful for supportive social security employees,
that take the time to explain a complex system
to a confused mom of an adult child with a disability. 
Today, I am grateful for a hardworking contractor,
who has a vision for my bathroom,
even when I don't.

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