Thursday, January 14, 2021

82/180 Where's Your Whiteboard?

I personally handed out materials and supplies to each of my students.
Some picked them up from school.
Some I drove to homes and dropped off.
EVERY student got materials.

A shows up to class every day.
About 15 minutes into class 
he starts asking if it is over yet.

He is usually not sitting in a chair at a table 
and he usually doesn't have his materials nearby
or know where they are.

He doesn't mute his mic.
His audio is about 4x louder than others,
but I am grateful he is there.

He shows up.
He stays on.
He doesn't have support during class
but someone helps him sign on each day
and that's all I can ask for.
So today I went to find a replacement for the whiteboard he can't find.
DonorsChoose had funded a magnetic whiteboard for each of my students.
I ordered the whiteboards from Amazon in a set.
I went to Lakeshore to see if I could get one that was not a part of a set.
It was there.
It was also $8.99 too much.
Then I did what I should have done in the first place.
I went to Dollar Tree.

So tomorrow after class,
I will drive to East LA,
and A will get another whiteboard,
some playdough, a tub of dry erase markers,
and an extra reminder to put it somewhere safe.


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