Tuesday, January 10, 2017

81/180 Challenging Concepts and 4 Year Olds

It's January!
Next week we remember and celebrate the life of a brave man who had a dream.
My former students may remember how much I loved teaching the words:
BIG WORDS... especially for young English learners,
but important words for them to know.
Maybe I found it a challenge.
Maybe I found it a necessity.
Maybe I wanted to empower them with strategies.
Maybe I wanted to inspire them to be kind and good people.

Students will learn, or I hope they will, about the history of civil rights in America and how Dr. King and others fought and died for those rights throughout their school journey.

My students are 4.
What is appropriate?
What can they handle developmentally?
What do I want them to gain from this mini unit?

I decided I wanted to focus on being kind, being fair, and being respectful.
I want them to develop empathy for others.
I want them to speak up when things are not "right."
I want them to be problem solvers.
And I want them to sing and have fun.

Day One: Introduce my favorite MLK song for young children.
This is still my absolute FAVORITE book to use with young children to teach about discrimination and prejudice. It's nearly 24 years old, but still relevant today. It was written by children and in a simple, beautiful story.  Message I hope my students got from the story: We may look different on the outside, but we are stronger together. Out of print, but worth the find. 

We followed up by some MLK art activities!

 Directed drawing for the letter Kk for KING!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this, Jane. We heard and sang the song just now with Emma, she really took to it. I found the book on youtube, and we watched the video reading of it, now we are going to paint pictures of MLK. She's excited. Thank you!
