Saturday, October 15, 2016


Here are some of my favorite moments during writing yesterday!
Enjoy! They make me smile!

She had a good foundation coming into ETK.
She knew many of the letters by name and is learning the sounds now.
She started to put them together.
At this stage, I am not worried about the order.
My goal is to have them build confidence in their abilities, 
explore letters, sounds, and words.
If we begin to "teach"when they are not ready,
it may shut down their development and progress stops.
Vanessa will let me know when she's ready for more.

He has a lot of letter and sound knowledge.
I love that as the adult, I assumed he was trying to write Pokemon.
His story was about playing Pokemon Go.
Silly me, of course you write GO with a g and o!
I need to just let them lead.

I love being able to observe her development!
She didn't know how to write her name coming in.
She loves learning.
Once again, I am not correcting formation at this point.
My goal as her teacher is to inspire her to explore,
experiment, and take initiative in trying to figure things out.
I have seen all too often what it does to a child
when they are told that they are wrong and to "make it right".
No erasing allowed here!

I love this part of the video.
I had to show it because it's so ECE.
She is learning not only the letters in her name,
but the letters of her classmates.
The letters hold meaning and she remembers.
She is also using the room to look for cues.
She points/looks at student work around the room
that begins with J as I am taping.

So privilege to be a part of all the discoveries!

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