Tuesday, November 17, 2020

61/180 Focus on the Positive...

My day ended very sadly.

I realized that I lost something very special to me.

Not sure if I can ever replace it, 

but it was my fault and now it's gone.

So I'm going to focus on the positives of today.

Had the first of many Zoom Parent Conferences today.

It went well.

I have some very special parents this year 

that are committed to their child's education

despite all the challenges.

We are in this together and I am glad they are my partners

and I love their children.

It was Day 1 of Gratitude Week. 

First question: Name someone you are grateful for.

I don't have one.

I have many and

I have two I am especially thankful for these days.

The two wonderful women/friend/confidant/assistants/partners 

that work with me each week.

They get things that need to be done, done.

They lend a supportive ear when I need to vent

as I struggle to be a good teacher and sane single parent.

They make it possible for me to go home when I need to

because they are my education partners,

who work just as hard, 

care just as much, 

and are flexible

and willing to learn.

The wonderful thing about being an early childhood teacher

is being there when magical things happen.

We decided to make a book today

not in small group

but with the entire class.

Focusing on the simple word A.

Magic happens when you keep it simple.

I wanted everyone to be successful 

so simple works best,

and it did.

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