Thursday, November 3, 2016


aka: Let the child lead.
I had a vision of how my second 3-Phase Math lesson would turn out.
I tried a higher number and a simple story.
So I thought.

I think being 4 and having been to the pumpkin farm made it hard to focus on a story about someone else going to the pumpkin farm. But I did get a group that worked it out and did it quite quickly.  I want to start differentiating more in the 2nd trimester now that I know where and who my student are.

Here was the story:

"Miss Fung went to the pumpkin patch. She bought 7 pumpkins for the class. Show what she bought."

These are lovely samples, but most were just pumpkins randomly put on the paper. So I know they were able to understand one detail in the story, but not able to put them all together... not yet anyway!
Then I tried to do phase 3 of the lesson which is to share out our work. Major fail! Can't expect students to know what to do if I haven't done it first. Maybe next time I will do the sharing to model what I want them to learn to do... and I won't do it right before lunch! #shortattentionspan #mindsomewhereelse #theyare4

Favorite part of the lesson... (Interviews!) My goal is to have students practice sharing their work and explaining their thinking. Sometimes, I have to let them know what it was they were doing because they don't have the words to explain it yet. We are all learning together.

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