Monday, April 4, 2022

137: Some Days...

Some days are just tough.

Not being a teacher,

but being a parent that teaches.

Or being a parent that tries to teach

her own children,

but know it's going to be a challenge,

because no matter how many times you 

teach the same lesson,

they might never learn it,

but you gotta keep trying.

Saturday was World Autism Awareness Day. 
There is a huge spectrum,
but no matter where your child lands,
you do your best,
so they can be their best.
One thing I learned from my parenting classes
has been, 
what we do as parents
is good enough and that we need to forgive ourselves
when things don't go the way we think it should.
Parenting is constant raptures and repairs.
I guess that is true,
but it still doesn't make it any easier.

In class news...

In class we found that one of our caterpillars has died,
but four other ones are still hanging in there!
Hopefully two of them will be in their chrysalis soon.

Things that make me laugh...

I have to give the summative ELPAC this month.
ELPAC is the assessment that measures how well students speak and understand English.
A is quiet, 
but he can speak in simple sentences in English.
Today when I recorded his speaking section,
he happily and confidently spoke in a different language...
not Spanish,
or English,
but his own gibberish one!
Assessing 4 year olds... YUP.

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