Saturday, March 12, 2022

An Artful Week 118 - 122

I love art,

but never been one that can create something easily,

but with some guidance,

I'm better.

So as a teacher,

I feel my role is to introduce students

to the tools that can inspire them to create.

And create they do...

way beyond expectations.

Last Friday,

I introduced oil pastels and watercolors,

this week one of my brilliant artists

continued to add on to his collection of masterpieces!

Day 118: 

During indoor centers, I took out the oil pastels and watercolors and just placed them at a table.

A took over and created another piece of work.

He started the school year in late December,

but has adjusted beautifully to our program

and every week, 

I discover something new and wonderful about him.

He can hold a tune,

repeat a steady beat,

learned how to write his long name,

is kind,


and dependable.

I would like to purchase this piece for my home collection.

Day 119

Today's masterpiece motivated others to create their own masterpieces.

AR wanted to go another route and create one of his favorite characters.

Day 120

And the creative juices continue to flow.

Today, S and M created a piece together.

They brought me their collaboration and promptly said,

"Miss Fung! We synergized!"

When there's a case of hand, mouth, and foot disease,
both kids and parents get a lesson in NOT,
I repeat NOT putting your mouth directly on the water spout!
Today, we welcomed our new class pet.
We named him Cheese.

Day 121

What can you do with $4.95 drums from Home Depot?
Not only can you teach steady beat and tempo,
but you can also teach PA, blending, and segmentation too!

Presenting A's Thursdays creation...

Day 122

Our week ended with Science Time.
Found a way to integrate some art into our exploration of solids. 

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