Tuesday, August 31, 2021

12: Less Can Be More

Simple things can mean a lot more than you think.

This year I am trying to keep up with my assessments,
informal and formal ones.
Today I recorded each student using scissors
and sent the video to their parents on ClassDojo.
Hopefully the video will not only share what we are working
on in class, but gives families insight on what they can do to support
their child at home. 
It's a Win-Win!

I much prefer open-ended, child centered art
than a direct approach.


  1. Hi Jane - You are AMAZING! Just wondering how often in the day do you do small groups and how are they managed? I am the only adult in the classroom and struggling with how to manage small groups while also working with a small group. Not sure when this job will not be a challenge.

    1. Hi Heidi!
      We are an inclusion preschool class so there are 4 adults for rational of 1:6 because we have special needs students mixed in... which makes it doable for small groups. We are play based so we do formal small groups once a day for more academics, and small groups informal (play/center activities) once inside and when they are at outdoor play, I pull in as needed. Being by yourself is challenging. When I was alone with kinder, I'd have groups set up and we would rotate weekly, once a day so that I had 5 groups stations set up. The other times they would do whole group work (in their group seating) and I'd pull out. Hope that helps. It's challenging, but you have to build up to them being independent. We would run through stations in whole class so they know what to do, then it becomes independent the week after. Stay safe!
