Monday, December 4, 2017

Gratitude: A Week in Review

Last Tuesday was Giving Tuesday.
It's a day that promotes giving.
I gave...
But I also received far more than I expected.

Every summer for the past seven years I've written a 
FED-CO Field Trip Grant.
I got lucky most of the time.
This fall, I thought I was lucky again.
I was sent a congratulatory email.
I was so excited.
I told my students the next day because I was so excited.
That same afternoon I received another email.
The grant had been rescinded.
It was a mistake.
Bitterly disappointed
and shocked,
I went into proactive mode.
I was going to make it happen somehow.

And on Giving Tuesday...
Twenty-wonderful people made it happen.
To be grateful is an understatement.
I was hoping for some help.
I was expecting to fund the rest.
Truly touched, forever grateful for friends, family, and strangers.

The past week has reminded me that I have much to be grateful for...

Thankful for all the donors that have filled my classroom 
with materials that my students use and learn from daily.

Thankful that I have a job that inspires me each and every day.
Grateful for being able to witness self discoveries, growth, and development.
Thankful for students that make me learn, laugh, cry, sing, dance, and celebrate.
Thankful that being able to watch my students grow and become amazing young adults.
Grateful that they want me to remain a part of their lives.
Thankful for Alhambra High's Mighty Moors Marching Band.
Grateful that they provide a place for Daniel to belong.
Thankful for Kathy and RJ.
Grateful that Bryce will always have connections to his past
and added support for his future.
Thankful for car companies that provide free tickets to Auto Shows.
Grateful for time spent together on a beautiful Saturday afternoon
making memories.

 Life is not perfect, but it's good.

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