Wednesday, December 8, 2021

73: Wonderful, Weird, Science Wednesday


the most wonderful learning

comes from the students themselves.

Free play is essential in early childhood.
I'm not just saying for preschool,
I firmly believe play is for everyone,
but especially children 0-8.
Today during outdoor centers,
a group of scientists and engineers 
decided they wanted to create something
Rain is in the forecast tomorrow (rare, but it's on the way)
and it gave them an idea.
Lets trap a spider...
Because there's a water spout in our yard
and we all know that rain will wash the spider out.
They even created a trap for the spider,
complete with "food" along the way,
to entice the spider to crawl into their trap! (See Above)

The wonderful path,
and trap,
were not enough,
so they decided to add a "Watch Tower," 
to spy on the spider,
that would surely appear from the spout
after the rain.
When it was time to clean up,
we did what every good scientist and engineer does--
we set out to test our design.
So we gathered our things to go home
and walked out the other gate,
being extra careful not to disturb our Spider Trap.
Spider or no spider,
it's not about the outcome
as much as it is about the process.
There were so many creative, problem solving,
science, math, social skills, and processes 
demonstrated by my kiddos today.
The best part was-
I had nothing to do with it.
It all came from them.


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