Wednesday, December 1, 2021

68: Wonderful Wednesday

Three of my favorite things happened today:
1. Students created artwork!

2. Students practiced early reading: directionality, 1 to 1 correspondence, high frequency words, and my favorite MONITORING!

I had to highlight to the class, and E (the reader), 
that I noticed he was able to monitor the print 
when he saw that the word changed from a to the. 
So excited when they monitor!
I have a very active and wild bunch this year,
but they are also kind and helpful.
Love how they helped our reader figure out words.
I believe every child should be the center of attention when they want to be,
even if they don't know all the answers.
They will get by with a little help from their friends.

3. And it was Writing Workshop!
Oh, if only my home life could focus on the same things with such joy and motivation!

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