I love watching my students play.
I love watching them learn, create, and make discoveries while they play.
Today we used playdough again.
I'd use it everyday if we had the time on Zoom.
Luckily, they each have cans of playdough at home now
so they can use it whenever they want.
Today I watched D cut her playdough.
I noticed her improvement in fine motor skills.
She can write her name now
and she can cut using scissors.
Her mom then wrote the letter Dd on the white board
and I watched her trace it with playdough
as if she had done it before.
I so appreciate parents that take initiative
and extend learning experiences for their children.
Today, Miss N had her "act" together.
She often works solo with little support
but I am just thrilled she's there.
Lately, I have noticed just far she has come.
She use to appear maybe once a week if we were lucky.
Sometimes she would disappear midway through class.
She rarely spoke.
And she would do her own thing,
create her own activities,
sing her own songs,
follow her own lead.
But more and more she started to ask questions,
express her thoughts,
and needs too.
Last week she informed me she didn't have a red envelope,
she wanted playdough
and paper
and if I could bring her some.
I did.
Today, she found her white board,
wrote her name when we asked.
Today, she took out her playdough,
she cut, rolled, counted, and displayed her work.
Today, she danced in the spotlight when called upon.
She brought me such joy in watching her bloom.
I just love playdough.
Everyone can participate.
Everyone has fun.
Everyone learns!
D cuts, counts, and creates!
And A actually found his playdough!
We are making progress people!
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