Sunday, April 3, 2022

Returning to New Normal: Days 133 - 136

Day 133

It's nice to have a long weekend.

My body tells me that spring break is coming.

It came for Bryce this week,

but not for me.

Teacher kid problems.

Today we started a self portrait project.

I have students do self portraits yearly on canvas.

I love the weight of it.

Makes is somewhat special.

Can't wait to see how they turn out.

Tomorrow is our first field trip in over 2 years!
For the past several years,
I have planned at least 8-12 of them in ETK.
Tomorrow will be number 1 this year.
It will be in person.
We will ride a school bus,
and wear a mask.
Same, Same, but different.

Day 134
I think one of the most memorable part of a field trip
for kids is the bus ride.
My students were just as thrilled to board a big, yellow bus
as they were to see James Bond's car.
The Petersen Automotive Museum is such a cool space.
Lots of vehicles,
old and new and 
famous too!
Aside from M touching the DeLorean!
Yes that one,
they did a fantastic job
and a great time was had by all.

It also helps to get a super patient and kind docent
that knows how to speak to young children.
Thanks Ms. Dawn!

Day 135
I love science.
It's natural that kids love science too.
How can you not love discovering new things around your world.
Today, we discovered our caterpillars had emerged
as Mourning Cloak butterflies.
We released one.
I'm not sure they all made it,
but that is the nature of life in the insect world.

We also adopted 3 new class "pets."
Ms. Ramos was nice enough to gift us with
three snails. I love snails!
So much to learn.
So much to observe.
So much to discover!
I don't want my students afraid of creatures around them.
I want them to be scientists of life.
It may be snails today, 
but they may make discoveries tomorrow that will change the world.

Day 136
Speaking of changing the world.
Every morning, we check in with the students.
Every child is greeted at the door.
Every child is asked how they are doing.
Today when the students asked me,
this is how it went....

Them: Good Morning Miss Fung! How are you today?

Me: I feel excited! You want to know why I feel excited?!

Them: Yes!

Me: I feel excited because today, after school, I am going to take one of my former students to get boba!
She is going to get her PHD! And when you get your PHD, I will take you to get boba too!

Them: Yay!

Turns out that she took me to dinner before boba!

Who wouldn't love to spend their Friday afternoon
eating Ramen
and garlic edamame beans
with a former first grader to celebrate her acceptance
into the Johns Hopskins PhD program?
I love to make those Before and After, Then and Now kind of collages!
So here you go...

Boba, Ramen, PhDs, watching former students grow up, and remaining a part of their lives...
and a great way to end your work week!

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