Saturday, April 30, 2022

150th Day of School

It's the 150th day of our school year.
I try to make every 10th day a fun (and/or delicious) one.
Since we have been studying the planet earth, growing seeds, and living things...
we made soil cups with a worm.
Worms are good for soil,
Worms feed birds,
we at worms today too!
It also may be the start of my 210 day countdown,

but that all depends if I pull a Tom Brady or not. 😎😂🙌


Wednesday, April 27, 2022

149: Noah's ark and Tostadas

For nearly a decade,
I was able to take my students to the Getty Center
to look at priceless pieces of art from the masters.
Not this year.
But we do get to go to the Skirball's Noah's Ark on Friday.
So today,
I put the two together.
We took a closer look at one of my favorite teaching pieces at the Getty Center,
I wanted to provide some background knowledge to what will be experienced at the Skirball.
The Entry of the Animals into Noah's Ark (Jan Brueghel the Elder, from the collection @GettyCenter)

Such a rich piece.
So much to look at,
so much to notice.

I had to be in two places at the same time today.
My SSC meeting was changed from last week.
I am a voting member.
They needed a quorum.

I had a PD I was looking forward to today at the same time.
I was determined to do both.
It wasn't easy, but teachers are known to multitask.
You would think after 35 years,
there wasn't much to more to learn, 
but you would be wrong.

I learned a lot about storytelling through food today.
I learned how to make a tostada.
I learned that Bryce will actually eat 3 of them even with fresh veggies.
I thought of how I would modify what I learned to fit the needs of my students.
We will make tostadas next week.

Nothing better than teacher PD that is relevant, fun, and tasty too!

Jan Brueghel the Elder (Flemish, 1568 - 1625)

148: Unfinished Business

I realize that I had a lot of leftover materials 
from our Covid school year.
A box of materials for puppet making had been on my shelf all year.
Today, was the day it would be taken out.
I wasn't quite sure how the students would respond
to the activity.

I wanted to keep the finished puppets at school 
for teaching problem solving
and dramatic play.
I wanted to take pictures of their puppets to share with families on ClassDojo.

No one wanted to leave them at school.

I didn't even get a chance to take pictures of them

because they wanted to make sure their puppets went home with them.

I managed to convince A to show me his.

Let's just say my class loved their puppets.

147: Monday, Monday...

The moment you realize that you can just let them take over.
And they did a fabulous job leading Yoga on Monday.
I think that's the goal,
teach them to lead,
and take ownership of their learning.


146.5: Art Matters

On Friday,

I spent over 3 hours,

helping display art,

after a day long field trip.


beautiful pieces

by talented artists

from the Eastside of LA.

I took photos of two pieces that I was drawn to.
They were so strikingly beautiful,
so detailed,
the lines,
the expressions.
I was amazed at the level of talent.
Funny story:
I was assigned at the HOPE station.
I got to spend time with the families that stopped by my tent.
One young lady and her mother sat down and we began to chat.
I noticed she had painted monarch butterflies around her eyes.
She shared that some of her artwork was on display.
When she showed me the pieces she had painted,
I almost fell over; 
they were the SAME two pieces I had taken a picture of!
I was in awe that I was talking to the artist
behind the art.
When I asked her if she wanted to pursue an art career
she said no.
Her dream was to be an OBGYN!
How cool is that!?
So many talents!
So many dreams!
I may not be her teacher,
but I was just as proud and thrilled for her.
So much potential 
to be whatever she wants to be,
and a lovely, young lady as well.
I congratulated her mother
and wish her the best.
Sometimes it's worth it to "give" up your Saturday.
We all have genius.
It may not always show up on a test score,
but I got a glimpse of it 
in the artwork,
in the music,
in the dance...
creativity and genius was everywhere
at Torres High School Saturday.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Day 146: A Day at the Beach

To end our week,
we took a field trip to the beach.
It was our second In-Person field trip of this year
and one that "blew" us away, literally!

Good News: It was a lovely, sunny day at the beach.

Bad News: It was also a very, windy day at the beach!


our field trip was indoors.

I love the intimacy of the Roundhouse Aquarium.

It's a small, aquarium at the end of the pier.

If you are lucky to come when the waves and wind are calm,

you may spot a dolphin or whale in the ocean from the deck.

I haven't been able to get a bus scholarship to come back for 6 years,

but this year, 

I got lucky!

The scholarship doesn't cover the complete cost, 

but I don't mine get a tax write off

and donating the rest because

experiences like these are magical for my students. 

Just listen... 

I've decided that my favorite sea animal in an aquarium,
besides the jellies,
are sea cucumbers.
I got to touch one several years back
and it was slimy,
but cool.
We learned from Tyler
that if you kiss it, 
you have good luck.
So he kissed it for us!
And it also eats fish poop.
Glad, I don't eat sea cucumber sushi!

Yes, it was extremely windy.
Yes, sand got into faces, shoes, and sandwiches,
but how can you take 4-5 year olds to the beach 
and not let them feel the sand between their toes?
You can't.
So we did.
No regrets.

Day 145: Free to Be, Who You Want to Be

We have morning check in each day
and we have been working on expressing
and identifying emotions.
Discovered the Scribble Spot series by Diane Alber.
The kids really like the song
and we have been discussing the colors that matches our feelings
and how our emotions are constantly changing and 
that's ok.

Today M drew me a picture with lots of heads.
The two at the bottom, attached to the legs,
ate bacon (see the pink bacon to the right).
The bacon was BAD.
So they are no longer with us.
But that's okay because the other 5 heads are okay.
He drew a heart
and "I wrote me name Matthew, 
so you will know I was the one that gave it to you."
I won't forget.
Not anytime soon.


Day 144: The Sight Word HAVE

Today, I introduced a new sight word.
I used it in my modeled writing.
I gave students an option to use it in theirs if they would like.
Some did, 
some didn't.
Writing is personal, so I don't want to direct
unless it's a mandated prompt.
They will have time for those later.
but today,
some did.

Day 142 - 143 New Growth

Day 142

The return from spring break

welcomes new surprises! 

Day 143

On Tuesday,

sometimes special was discovered!

But as in the real world,
not everything works out
the way you expect it will.
Our friend tried for nearly 4 days,
but it wasn't meant to be.
I love that you can teach young children
not to be afraid of things that look different,
even slimy ones with shells.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

It's Here! Day 141

 I saw somewhere on social media 

that teachers shouldn't always be counting down to breaks 

and celebrating vacations.

It makes it seem like they don't want to teach.

Well, I am pretty sure that TEACHERS are not the only ones

that look forward to breaks and vacations.

Time to refresh, relax, and take care of themselves,

even if for a "week."

And for those of us with the week off

who have kids,  parents, and others that need us during the week off

it's really not truly a week off is it?


we celebrated today!

We learned all about bunnies.
We read Peter Rabbit.
We drew bunny rabbits.
We learned how to do the bunny hop.
And we made banana splits!

And I was finally able to pay Alex for his painting.
Then I celebrated after school too!
Happy Spring Break!
We all need some down time every once in awhile,
even teachers.

Day 140: Open House That is Not Truly Opened


It was Open House,

on Zoom.

We had a great slide presentation.

I created a slide of our school year.

3 parents attended.

Not everyone has access to technology.

Not everyone can attend a zoom meeting at 4:00pm.

But looking at the positive side,

everyone on ClassDojo can click a link to access the slides.

And we post daily from the classroom on ClassDojo.

Maybe next year we will actually Open the House.

Day 139: Writing Wednesdays

The students can write everyday,

but Wednesdays it's structured into the day.

(Something I will change next year when I go back to daily Writing Workshop)

I love teaching so many subjects,

but will always have a place in my heart for writing.

I get to spend time getting to know each child

a little more intimately when they write/draw/share their personal voice.

I know some teachers may disagree with how I guide young students to write.
I don't have a set response when I work with students.
It all depends on 
who they are, 
where they are in their development,
and how they are feeling.

F is confident.
She's an English Learner that has soared this year
not because I'm a good teacher,
but because she is determined
and has an intrinsic motivation that I wish I could bottle up.
*I don't usually correct the spelling at this stage in case you're wondering why I didn't say anything when she wrote an E at the end of family. You can always teach spelling and editing later. You can't always get confidence back. 

Good News/Bad News

Bad News: 4 of our 6 monarch butterfly larvas didn't make it to chrysalis'.
Good News: 2 of them did!

Let it Go: Day 138

Sometimes your best intentions don't always work out.

It's hard to tell a nearly 88 year what to do.

So, all I can do is take the day off

to take her to the cardiologist 

and hope she listens.

But she doesn't.

At least I can do some of my rating scales

and get a few really, really good desserts to eat.

Pistachio Passion Fruit Croissant with white chocolate ganache...
and the most expensive piece of pie that I would happily pay for daily!

Monday, April 4, 2022

137: Some Days...

Some days are just tough.

Not being a teacher,

but being a parent that teaches.

Or being a parent that tries to teach

her own children,

but know it's going to be a challenge,

because no matter how many times you 

teach the same lesson,

they might never learn it,

but you gotta keep trying.

Saturday was World Autism Awareness Day. 
There is a huge spectrum,
but no matter where your child lands,
you do your best,
so they can be their best.
One thing I learned from my parenting classes
has been, 
what we do as parents
is good enough and that we need to forgive ourselves
when things don't go the way we think it should.
Parenting is constant raptures and repairs.
I guess that is true,
but it still doesn't make it any easier.

In class news...

In class we found that one of our caterpillars has died,
but four other ones are still hanging in there!
Hopefully two of them will be in their chrysalis soon.

Things that make me laugh...

I have to give the summative ELPAC this month.
ELPAC is the assessment that measures how well students speak and understand English.
A is quiet, 
but he can speak in simple sentences in English.
Today when I recorded his speaking section,
he happily and confidently spoke in a different language...
not Spanish,
or English,
but his own gibberish one!
Assessing 4 year olds... YUP.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Returning to New Normal: Days 133 - 136

Day 133

It's nice to have a long weekend.

My body tells me that spring break is coming.

It came for Bryce this week,

but not for me.

Teacher kid problems.

Today we started a self portrait project.

I have students do self portraits yearly on canvas.

I love the weight of it.

Makes is somewhat special.

Can't wait to see how they turn out.

Tomorrow is our first field trip in over 2 years!
For the past several years,
I have planned at least 8-12 of them in ETK.
Tomorrow will be number 1 this year.
It will be in person.
We will ride a school bus,
and wear a mask.
Same, Same, but different.

Day 134
I think one of the most memorable part of a field trip
for kids is the bus ride.
My students were just as thrilled to board a big, yellow bus
as they were to see James Bond's car.
The Petersen Automotive Museum is such a cool space.
Lots of vehicles,
old and new and 
famous too!
Aside from M touching the DeLorean!
Yes that one,
they did a fantastic job
and a great time was had by all.

It also helps to get a super patient and kind docent
that knows how to speak to young children.
Thanks Ms. Dawn!

Day 135
I love science.
It's natural that kids love science too.
How can you not love discovering new things around your world.
Today, we discovered our caterpillars had emerged
as Mourning Cloak butterflies.
We released one.
I'm not sure they all made it,
but that is the nature of life in the insect world.

We also adopted 3 new class "pets."
Ms. Ramos was nice enough to gift us with
three snails. I love snails!
So much to learn.
So much to observe.
So much to discover!
I don't want my students afraid of creatures around them.
I want them to be scientists of life.
It may be snails today, 
but they may make discoveries tomorrow that will change the world.

Day 136
Speaking of changing the world.
Every morning, we check in with the students.
Every child is greeted at the door.
Every child is asked how they are doing.
Today when the students asked me,
this is how it went....

Them: Good Morning Miss Fung! How are you today?

Me: I feel excited! You want to know why I feel excited?!

Them: Yes!

Me: I feel excited because today, after school, I am going to take one of my former students to get boba!
She is going to get her PHD! And when you get your PHD, I will take you to get boba too!

Them: Yay!

Turns out that she took me to dinner before boba!

Who wouldn't love to spend their Friday afternoon
eating Ramen
and garlic edamame beans
with a former first grader to celebrate her acceptance
into the Johns Hopskins PhD program?
I love to make those Before and After, Then and Now kind of collages!
So here you go...

Boba, Ramen, PhDs, watching former students grow up, and remaining a part of their lives...
and a great way to end your work week!