but that all depends if I pull a Tom Brady or not. 😎😂🙌
Random thoughts and reflections of a lifelong learner & educator, retired public school teacher, dog mom and single parent. Thanks for stopping by!
but that all depends if I pull a Tom Brady or not. 😎😂🙌
No one wanted to leave them at school.
I didn't even get a chance to take pictures of them
because they wanted to make sure their puppets went home with them.
I managed to convince A to show me his.
Let's just say my class loved their puppets.
On Friday,
I spent over 3 hours,
helping display art,
after a day long field trip.
beautiful pieces
by talented artists
from the Eastside of LA.
Good News: It was a lovely, sunny day at the beach.
Bad News: It was also a very, windy day at the beach!
our field trip was indoors.
I love the intimacy of the Roundhouse Aquarium.It's a small, aquarium at the end of the pier.
If you are lucky to come when the waves and wind are calm,
you may spot a dolphin or whale in the ocean from the deck.
I haven't been able to get a bus scholarship to come back for 6 years,
but this year,
I got lucky!
The scholarship doesn't cover the complete cost,
but I don't mine get a tax write off
and donating the rest because
experiences like these are magical for my students.
Just listen...
Day 142
The return from spring break
welcomes new surprises!
Day 143
On Tuesday,
sometimes special was discovered!
I saw somewhere on social media
that teachers shouldn't always be counting down to breaks
and celebrating vacations.
It makes it seem like they don't want to teach.
Well, I am pretty sure that TEACHERS are not the only ones
that look forward to breaks and vacations.
Time to refresh, relax, and take care of themselves,
even if for a "week."
And for those of us with the week off
who have kids, parents, and others that need us during the week off
it's really not truly a week off is it?
we celebrated today!
It was Open House,
on Zoom.
We had a great slide presentation.
I created a slide of our school year.
3 parents attended.
Not everyone has access to technology.
Not everyone can attend a zoom meeting at 4:00pm.
But looking at the positive side,
everyone on ClassDojo can click a link to access the slides.
And we post daily from the classroom on ClassDojo.
Maybe next year we will actually Open the House.
The students can write everyday,
but Wednesdays it's structured into the day.
(Something I will change next year when I go back to daily Writing Workshop)
I love teaching so many subjects,
but will always have a place in my heart for writing.
I get to spend time getting to know each child
a little more intimately when they write/draw/share their personal voice.
Sometimes your best intentions don't always work out.
It's hard to tell a nearly 88 year what to do.
So, all I can do is take the day off
to take her to the cardiologist
and hope she listens.
But she doesn't.
At least I can do some of my rating scales
and get a few really, really good desserts to eat.
Some days are just tough.
Not being a teacher,
but being a parent that teaches.
Or being a parent that tries to teach
her own children,
but know it's going to be a challenge,
because no matter how many times you
teach the same lesson,
they might never learn it,
but you gotta keep trying.
Day 133
It's nice to have a long weekend.
My body tells me that spring break is coming.
It came for Bryce this week,
but not for me.
Teacher kid problems.
Today we started a self portrait project.
I have students do self portraits yearly on canvas.
I love the weight of it.
Makes is somewhat special.
Can't wait to see how they turn out.
Tomorrow is our first field trip in over 2 years!