Monday, January 31, 2022

89 - 93 And the Rollercoaster Continues...

 Day 89:

When you greet your students and find a twin!

So the Rams are one step closer to a Super Bowl!
I was a huge Vikings fan as a child.
Then I stopped watching football.
When the Rams came to build a playground 2 years ago,
I became a fan again.
The pandemic made me a huge fan (basketball too).
Too emotionally invested in my teams,
but it's all good.

Day 90: 
Some days are like rollercoasters.
You have incredible moments like hanging out with other Milken Educators after school,
sharing teacher stories,
and remembering why you became a teacher,
and why you will remain a teacher,
even in challenging times.

My reason: it's always about the students.

I shared how wonderful it was for former students
to read to current students
on zoom
during a pandemic.

and the art work
that brings me joy 
when I see it on my wall.

But then you go home
and try to be a parent
to a teen
that may not like you
because you took off a door...

Day 91:
Hopefully, we will go on 3 field trips this year.
Each field trip requires our students to follow covid protocols.
He doesn't keep his mask on.
I want him to feel the ocean water.
I want him to see amazing vehicles.
I want him to experience the beauty of nature.
he started to wear his mask.
small things make me extremely happy.
made me happy.

Day 92: 
when they don't follow your directions,
they come up with something even better.
Task: Create a building.
He had other ideas.

Day 93:

I love My Big World.
It's informational text for preschoolers.
Today, we learned about penguins.

And it was my little sister's birthday too.

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