Wednesday, June 2, 2021

172/180 What I like least about being a teacher...

You know what I don't like about teaching?

I'll tell you,

It's spending hours and hours of my classroom time-

sitting in front of a laptop,

signing in and out,

trying to assess 5 year olds

on how well they understand English.

That's what I did pretty much today,

and I am not nearly done,

because we have to go back and 

make up assessments not done at the beginning of the year.


as I sat alone in the former primary science lab,

waiting for kids to sign on,

I realize that there was actually something I didn't like about being an ETK teacher.

Something I do love about being a teacher
is having a former 4 year old student 
drop by on Memorial Day 
with my first bouquet of peonies.
I know, I know,
it was my first,
and they smell incredible!
Never realized how wonderful they were.
Thanks Mrs. Larsen. 
You are a good Student-daughter
and an even better daughter to your mama.

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