Monday, March 22, 2021

128/180 Money Monday...

What does $1307 buy?

In "normal" times,

It will buy you a round trip on an LAUSD school bus

from East LA to Irvine,

and admission for 3 classes to

pick vegetables and strawberries

at Tanaka Farms.

Since it's NOT normal times,
$1307 will buy you...
Art kits from the Skirball Cultural Center
so that each child can create a kinetic animal, 
cape with a message, and memory boxes,

Three sets of Legos from Costco 
so that you can sort them and make individual 
baggies for creating and constructing,
A storage unit big enough to store
crayons, scissors, glue, and pencils,
and bins for each child to store their
crayons, scissors, glue, and pencils
in that storage unit,

and 6 tables in blue
so that each child that returns to school
will have his or her own space.
That's what $1307 will buy...

Well, actually it won't. 
I went over a little bit.

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