Saturday, January 18, 2025

This is 62

A few things I have learned in 62 years of life...

Go outside.
Seek beauty.
Breathe deeply.
Be one with nature.

Surround yourself with people who bring you joy—
those you can laugh with, cry with,
vent to, and count on to be there for you.

Cherish friendships with those both older and younger than you.
Older friends will offer wisdom and perspective.
Younger friends will inspire you with fresh ideas and energy.
Both will enrich your life in ways you never expected.

Ask for help when you need it.
Offer help when you can.
Be kind and don't expect anything in return.
Take action, just do it.

Embrace new experiences.
Commit to weekly Zumba classes.
Schedule time for Taiko drumming.
Take on coaching math, even when literacy is your strength.

Don't be afraid to celebrate growing older.
Aging is a privilege not everyone gets to experience.

If the past several years have taught me anything, it's to be grateful for each day.

So today, as I celebrate the beginning of my 62nd year of life,
I am grateful for road trips with my Burger Boy.
I am grateful for free birthday Starbucks Cranberry Refreshers.
I am grateful for text, Facebook, and Instagram messages from friends, family, and favorite baseball teams.

I am grateful for National Parks Senior Lifetime passes.
I am grateful for fresh date shakes from Palm Springs.
I am grateful for sunny days and warm weather.
I am grateful for fresh air, free from hints of smoke and ashes.
I am grateful for a stress-free mommy day.
I am grateful to have a home.
I am grateful to have healthy boys.
I am grateful to have a pension with healthcare.
I am grateful to be surrounded by people I love and who love me in return.

I am grateful to be 62, with all that I need and much to look forward to.