I can't believe I survived the last 72 hours,
but here it is Monday.
Some weekends are just busier than others.
Thanks to proactive customer service at Donorschoose,
I finally got the potting soil I had been waiting for.
We had the planter,
we had the sprouts,
and I had a special helper today.
"A" came to school this morning with a chip on his shoulder already.
He has his moments,
but today it started the minute he got off the bus.
We have a "I love you Miss Fung"/"I don't like you," kind of relationship.
I don't mind.
I get him.
I have one of him at home.
Today, I won him over by selling the position of Master Gardener.
And he took the position seriously.
He took pride in digging holes for our sunflower sprouts.
He proudly showed off his watering skills to others nearby.
And for a short period,
he was happy.
I am not one that is eager to engage in gardening,
that was left to my mom.
She could plant anything
and it would grow.
But as I get older...
and nearer to when I won't have a daily schedule,
my imagination seems to create visions for the space in back of my house.
Hmmmmm? Maybe I will be a gardener someday?
I have been collecting class photos for 35 years.
Year 33 and 34 were missing.
So, I paid someone on Etsy to create a Year 34 for me,
and I created my own Year 33 from photos I had before Covid shut us down.
*Mind you Year 33 was paid for and should have been completed, but we never got them.
This year when the new photo company sent us the proofs,
I noticed 2 of my students were missing.
I had made sure that they took their make up photos,
but was told they would not be included.
Then we got two new students,
and our photos came out really dark,
so on Day 162/180,
I decided to try to create Year 35 on my own.
It took awhile.
I should have gone to bed,
but I can be obsessive.
Not professional or perfect,
but good enough for me
and the 21 copies I made and laminated on Day 163.