Random thoughts and reflections of a lifelong learner & educator, retired public school teacher, dog mom and single parent. Thanks for stopping by!
Saturday, January 30, 2021
93/180 Fabulous Field Trip Friday!
Friday, January 29, 2021
I had planned a different post for today.
I had caught E monitoring her reading
and as an early literacy teacher
my heart sang with joy!
But that's not what I want to start off with.
I have something I HAVE TO say...
As I was scrolling down the different Instagram posts tonight
one meme caught my eye.
Yet another Bernie Mitten meme,
usually they are light-hearted and
they don't seem to bother Bernie much.
But this one pissed me off,
so much so that I had to comment.
I generally don't engage in threads
where I could be attacked-verbally for my opinion,
but this was important.
I just wanted to state a different point of view.
In the meme,
the newer teachers were moving and dancing,
while the veteran (Bernie-I'm just assuming he represents us veterans)
was sitting still.
I didn't create the meme,
so I am not certain what the message was,
but to me,
the message was that the veteran teacher was either bored or uninterested.
The comparison to the newer teacher was obvious.
They were more exciting, energetic, attractive, and maybe more involved?
So here lies my problem...
why are we pitting teachers against each other?
I would like to think we all entered the profession because we wanted to make a difference in the lives of students.
I'd be the first to admit that not all teachers are great.
Some should not be teaching.
But I would like to think they are the exception,
and not the rule.
Just because we are "more experienced" doesn't make us less willing to adapt and learn.
Just because we are "newer" and more familiar with new ways of instruction doesn't make us experts in how to relate to children and families.
Why divide us rather than unite us?
It's not racism,
but it is discrimination.
There's no place for that in education,
especially not now.
As an older,
(I've reach the top of the seniority list at two schools now, so I am old),
I was offended.
Not just for me,
but for the other veteran teachers
I collaborate, network, and teach with.
They are the first to volunteer to serve,
go the extra mile for a child struggling,
write grants for field trips and materials,
advocate for students that need services,
and sign up for classes on their weekends and vacation breaks
just to learn how to reach more students, gain more knowledge,
and be better at what they do.
They don't sit around.
They can dance and strut too.
I'll just end my venting with quotes from a newer, gifted teacher I know,
who's not so new now.
We were at the Education Nation's Teacher Town Hall a decade ago.
Someone on the panel started to bring up bad teachers
and wanted to pit public school educators vs their charter school counterparts,
veteran teachers vs. newer teachers.
Mr. Jairo De La Torre stood up and said:
“You show me a teacher who perhaps isn’t up to standard, I’ll show you a teacher who’s not being supported. I’ll show you a teacher who doesn’t have the funding they need. I’ll show you a teacher who doesn’t have the resources they need. I’ll show you a community that’s in need.”
it's not about age or experience.
Let's support one another.
We can all be great.
*I would like acknowledge that the meme appears to have been deleted from the site I originally saw it.
Hopefully we can focus on what unites us as teachers. #funnyteachermemesRok
I have to end where I began,
talking about things that make my heart sing.
After 34 years of teaching,
I still feel everyday in the classroom is a gift.
Today my gifts were...
the sounds of children playing with playdough,
the number 5 shown in different ways,
N's voice requesting what she wants me to bring her,
and E monitoring her reading!
NOTE: Her dad gently guided her. In person, I would have let her struggle to figure it out on her own, and she would have. Not a big deal. I am just so grateful they show up and I have amazing families that support their learning. It's a Win-Win!
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
91/180 Breakout Rooms
I love working in small groups.
It gives me a chance to get to know my students better.
I can focus on them individually
and learn their strengths
and the areas they need more support in.
Creating Breakout Rooms on Zoom is a little more challenging.
It's not difficult
but it can be time-consuming
and you can't create the groups before hand
so while you teach
you create the rooms and options.
Much to learn
but worth it
to get some more intimate time with my kiddos.
Last week I learned how to animate them.
Once again
We are now publishing our daily slides for parents.
That way they can revisit what we did in class
Creating sensory, art learning backpacks.
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
90/180 Half-Way to the Unknown
I still love learning.
It's just different.
I wasn't too eager to get vaccinated.
I'm still not eager to get vaccinated
but I will do it
because we need to get back to school
and students need to be with other students
and parents need a break.
But I wonder
what school will really be like when we get back.
Monday, January 25, 2021
89/180 Play... Play... Playdough!
Playdough should be required in every Early Childhood Education classroom.
We did a class "read" of Chicka Chicka Boom Boom today.
Thanks to generous donors,
each of my students got their own copy of the book in their winter gift bags.
Then we made letters with playdough.
You can do a lot with playdough,
letters, numbers, quantity, shapes,
but the best thing about playdough
is that my kids get to PLAY with playdough.
Friday, January 22, 2021
88/180 Yes Elizabeth, We Can Paint Today
Today we continued our study of buildings.
Then, we were treated with a special concert,
courtesy of the Music Center.
Wasn't sure about attending,
but it's music,
and it's from the Music Center,
how bad could it be?
It..... was.... AMAZING!
It was interactive too.
Students participate through Zoom responses,
and Mr. Chic Street Man was not only engaging,
and talented,
but a gifted educator as well.
If I had to plan a successful virtual performance for students,
his would be what I would hope for.
Music matters!
Thursday, January 21, 2021
87/180 "Teaching is not what I do, it's who I am." -FLOTUS
Today, it was sitting in my Subaru,
86/180 For there is always light...
What a very emotional and beautiful day.
New beginnings and renewed hope
for a brighter tomorrow.
It was Inauguration Day,
I wasn't sure how much,
if any, of it would be appropriate for my students.
I made a slide deck.
Inauguration Day 2021 Slide Deck
Tuesday, January 19, 2021
85/180 Lucky Teacher, Lucky Kids
It's always nice to get happy mail.
I was surprised and thrilled when I opened my email last night
to find both of my Donorschoose projects funded!
Lucky kids!
We began our after class enrichment/tiered groups again.
Balloons, Cake, Flowers, Family, and Friends #58
I wasn't planning or expecting much this birthday.
My only wish was for peace.
It had been quite a challenging week the week before...
and the week before that.
My only wish was for peace.
Not being told I had ruined some teens life
or asked to drive across town
because there was a rumor of a PS5.
Nope, my only wish was for peace.
What I got was much more than expected.I got to end my day