Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Teaching from Faraway Places: Day 2

In ETK we learn through play. 
Online learning is not the same,
But for now it will have to do.
Hoping to give some guidance to my families during this time.

On a positive note: I learned how to insert my voice over photos of student work for my writing video today! It's not too professional, but it will do for a first try! #learnasyougo

Monday, March 16, 2020

Teaching From Faraway Places

ETK is different.
You really can't send home a packet of worksheets and expect them to learn from them.
We sent home a packet of worksheets.
You can't expect them to sit in front of a computer and get all they need.
We are bombarding parents with online websites.
You can't say staying home for two weeks won't affect them.
They are four and five.
Everything affects them.

So today I ventured into the only world I know they will have access to...

This seems kinda perfect in a way.
I am doing my second NBCT renewal this year.
Guess what is a required area of focus?
Technology baby!
I'm not a techie.
But I am a learner.

Just like my ETK students...
I learn by doing.
I am hoping that by Day 10...
I'll be better than Day 1.

Day One: Lets Make Playdough with Miss Fung.
(Don't judge me on this one, most of it was filmed with one hand.)


So there's this virus going around.
It's been going around the world since December.
Now it's here.
And schools are now closed for the time being.

Homeschooling, Distant Learning, Online Resources....
New Territory for me.
I'm home for at least two weeks.
Bryce is home for at least three.
Daniel is home too.

Sunday night I was still planning.
Not for my classroom lessons.
But for my sanity at home with the both of them.
I created different schedules.
I needed to have something for them to "do."
The alternative would be video games and eating.
Wish me luck!

I still think there will be a lot of video games and eating...