Monday, August 28, 2017

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Monday, August 14, 2017



What a difference a year makes?!
Last year, I moved into a new classroom,
teaching a new grade-level,
with a new partner (who was also new to ETK)
and two, experienced teaching assistants,
using a new curriculum.
I was excited, but a little lost initially.
After a year teaching, learning, and working together,
we found our way.

Hello new school year!


Sunday, August 13, 2017


The summer of 2017 comes to an end today.
I had goals.
I accomplished some.
Others will continue to be on that To Do List.
It wasn't perfect,
But it was good.

Breakfast and dinners with my former students from my first class at White House Place Primary Center some 27 years ago... and a dear friend and former colleague who was a new teacher that year!
Celebrating the wedding of Kathleen and Jake, and hanging out with three other former students and families at the wedding too! #LuckyTeacher
Attending former kindergarten student Destiny's 15th, and catching up with her little sister Emily too. Both were former students at Alexander Science Center School 
 My first class at Alexander graduated this year.
Go Class of 2017! #collegebound
 Memories from our trip back to our school...
 They missed the Endeavour's arrival, so we went to check it out!
 Harry Potter at the Hollywood Bowl...
 Celebrating excellence at the Milken Scholars Dinner...
 Summer concerts that didn't quite go according to plan...
 A visit to the Museum of Ice Cream...
Saturday at the Broad with lunch at Grand Central Market...
 When your former student teacher marries her prince in a most romantic and french wedding...
Colleagues and friends for nearly 2 decades getting professionally developed on a Friday afternoon during summer break...
Very blessed to have friends that are willing to drive long distances on a very hot day to help deliver new bedroom furniture...
And wonderful friends that take you (and your teen) to breakfast and give you new opportunities to learn and grow in beautiful locations!

I hadn't seen my Uncle since mom's funeral. Time passes by so quickly. Glad we finally got to connect this summer.
 Always fun hanging out with my oldest and dearest BFF and her lovely, young ladies!
 Staycation 2017... trying to keep them busy was a full-time job!

Having your own room and 3 TV's in a spacious and cozy inn in Montecito was a treat!
 As was visiting Nana and taking her for a ride to our favorite cakery!
Goodbye Summer 2017...