Saturday, April 29, 2017

A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A TEACHER.... 25 Years Ago at White House Place Primary Center

25 years ago I was teaching in a small primary center (K-2) public school near Koreatown.
The night before, 
4 white police officers were found not guilty for beating a black suspect in custody...
despite a video recording of the beating.
There was some trouble that night, but not near me in Downtown.
I think we all figured it was over and contained to that one night of protest and outrage.

We were wrong.
The following day, I went to school like every other day.
The kids arrived by foot or on buses from the overcrowded neighboring schools.
Then it started.
We had the news on live in the staff lounge.
Florence and Normandie was about 10 miles away from us.
Surely, it wouldn't effect our school.
As the morning went on... 
so did the unrest.
54th and Vermont...
48th and Vermont...
40th and Vermont...
Slowly it was moving north on Vermont towards us.
Reality hits.
Some staff members asked to go home.
Families came to pick up their children.
Not all of them could because we had kids that rode the bus.
Some staff went home.
USC and Exposition Park
We stayed in our rooms trying to keep things as normal as we could
But kids could sense our anxiety.
I remember one teacher calling us at school to tell us she had arrived safely at home.
Those of us there wondered why.

I don't remember exactly when it arrived,
But I remember hearing the sirens.
I remember hearing the panic in parents voices when they arrived to pick up their children.
I remember the principal and teachers making a barrier around our students
walking them to the buses 
while teens and adults,
normal people,
were running and screaming,
carrying garbage cans full of stuff.
It was madness.
I remember someone with a handful of dry cleaned uniforms running past us.
I wondered, what they were going to do with all those uniforms.

As we escorted our precious cargo onto their buses,
A few teens ran by yelling and trying to scare us.
Jose was the only man on campus.
He was my TA.
He stayed until the kids were safe and gone.
He walked us to our cars.
It was his neighborhood they were looting.

I don't remember much after that.
I remember wearing sunglasses because I was afraid I would be mistaken for being Korean.
They had killed and were beating Koreans.
I remember shaking as I drove to my apartment Downtown.
I remember thinking this was all a bad dream of some sort.

I knew it was real when I arrived home to my high-rise apartment.
I could see tanks on the streets below my balcony.
I felt pretty safe where I was.
There were guards with machine guns "protecting" us.
I knew other areas of LA were not safe.
I was afraid for the police officers.
I was afraid for the store owners.
I was afraid for my families.
I was afraid my city would burn down. 
It wasn't a good feeling.

I am not sure if that is what others felt in other parts of LA.
The unrest was contained to a specific area of the city and it
devastated the communities where it hit.
The strip malls by my school burned.
Windows shattered, stores emptied, people hurt.

I drove to San Diego for a few days.
When I came back things were eerily calm.
It wasn't the same.
But we would rebuild and move on.
Kids are resilient and teachers too.
I remember a mom brought in a receipt for a TV-
Because her child had said they got a new TV.
She didn't want us to think they had looted it.

Not sure if things are better.
It is different, but it is also the same.
We have a long way to go.
But we have to keep moving forward.

Some photos I found from LA Times of that day... 25 years ago.
It was a like a march up from one area of the city towards my school that morning... 
A Rite Aid on 3rd and Vermont. The one I had visited when I needed supplies. (2 blocks from my school).
2nd and Vermont. The strip mall a block away from my school.
 This is the strip mall behind our school on First and Vermont.
I've eaten at that KFC.
I've taken my students to Seafood City for a field trip.
Too close for comfort, behind our school was the major street where the unrest moved along.
When we started the new school year in July,
we started our with a unit on neighborhood and the people who work there.

151/180 HOME GROWN

Today was... "What can you learn from a class garden" Day!
What can you make with these ingredients and...
Fresh basil from our class garden?
PESTO! Most of the kids tried it.
Most of them didn't "love" it.
My son Daniel, on the other hand, had seconds when you add penne and chicken to it!
Lately, we have found evidence of someone feasting on our strawberries and leaves...
Today we discovered a tiny, a middle size, and a larger caterpillar!
We decided to house 2/3 and see where it leads us.
(While waiting for our hibernating silkworm eggs to hatch!)

Thursday, April 27, 2017

150/180 Down to 30

Can't believe we are down to 30 days!
Going to miss this group of kiddos,
But I get to keep two of them!
N (one of my 4 year olds and returning next school year) decided to make Xs today.
 He made Xs all over the bike path! Love it!
We talked about worms being UNDER the dirt/soil.
Then we made worms in dirt and ate them!

 Learning the concept of what is living or nonliving this week...
 And more art reusing materials and using different types of materials to create art!
 Love the space shuttles my TA found using toilet roles!
 Robots reusing materials!
 Folding paper and creating something new!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

149/190 TAKING A DAY... (Teaching & Sub Days)

This year our district is "cracking" down on employee absences...
Which leads me to ask...
Why are we given 10 days to use each year...
But given warnings if we use "too" many of them?

When I started teaching, I was told I had 10 days to use as needed for my health.
I took them all.
First year teaching = mental health days too!

Now I have probably over 133 sick days in my account.
I didn't really use too many days after I found my footing in the classroom,
then I became a single mom of two boys...
and a daughter of a mom that needed chemotherapy.
Today, Daniel got his overdue braces off.
A parent had to be there to pay for his retainers.
A parent has to, or should be, there for his IEP.

I have missed special awards, performances, and Back to School Nights
because I had to be in my own classroom.

Thank goodness I didn't have children when I stayed with my class through the Northridge Earthquake or the LA Riots, but I would have anyway.

Taking a day off shouldn't be questioned if I have the days to spend.
Glad I have administrators that put family first and understand.
I wish all of them did.

Today the braces came off.
Next week retainers.
Two years from now, implants and wisdom teeth!
One day at a time....

Monday, April 24, 2017

147/180 Last Monday in April

The year is really flying by now!
Had a great weekend filled with family adventures and now we are down to 6.5 weeks!
During rotation groups today, I noticed...
-how nicely the independent group was working
-how lucky we were to get funded for 5 chrome books
-how grateful I am to have such generous friends
-how ready my students will be when they go to kindergarten
My group today started a science activity.
In ETK, we take small steps...
Today, we made observations (strawberries from our own garden!).
Then we drew and painted the details.

 Tomorrow we will move to part 2.
Tonight I will create DIY Administrative Professional's Day gifts!
Hope they like them!
Hope they turn out!

Friday, April 21, 2017

146/180 We Love the Earth!

Our new poem for next week... illustrated by my artist team partner!
Practicing our dance for International Dance Day May 5th on Earth's hot surface!
Clockwise from top left: What do you see on Earth?
Our song of the week with illustrations by my artist team teacher.
Circle Map: What is on Earth?
Reusing newspaper/magazines to create parts of a flower.
Earth people inspired by Pinterest!

Today we took a nature walk (with school clean up).
We paired off.
One student with the "clipboard" and the other with a glove for trash pick up.
We found a spider web and spider!
 Discovering what wild mushrooms look like!
 Recording our data!
 Writing in our journal about what we saw on our walk.
Learning about concepts of print: shared writing and reading, sight words, letter knowledge, reading strategies...

Thursday, April 20, 2017

145/180 Moving on... moving up... 35 DAYS till Kindergarten!

We are are working on an Earth Unit this week.

FOCUS for my center today...
The question was: What do you see on Earth?
High Frequency Word: see
COP: sentences are made up of separate words, letters make words, directionality L to R
Literacy Understanding: What I can say, can be written, print carries meaning
I wrote down the students' responses on mini strips as a group.
Then I asked them to illustrate their sentences.
 As they completed their illustrations, they read their sentences as I cut the words out.
As I did in previously,  I wrote a model for students that needed more support when putting words in order. That way, I am able to assess if they can distinguish letters and match print.
 One was able to match print and read the sentence back while pointing to each word and going left to right as he read. He has excellent letter knowledge, but not interested in reading words yet.
 *For the few kids that needed even more support, I had them glue the words directly over the model.
My friend D has excellent letter and sound knowledge. He can read simple sight words too. He put the sentence together the way he wanted to. He read each word correctly. He has 1 to 1 and directionality, but chose to keep it the way it is. 
With the first groups, I did the cutting of the words as students read the sentence. 
A couple of students asked if they could cut up their sentences.
I knew some of the students were ready, but wasn't sure about others.
But in the end, decided to follow the child...
D surprised me! He is learning to write his name and only knows a few letters at most.
But when he started to cut his sentence, I saw that he was able to cut out each word on his own.

He was able to match the words too!
This week he got 2 letters in his name... next week maybe 3?! #stepbystep

My emergent readers, pretty much took over the process. 
They shared their sentences. I wrote them down.
They cut up the sentences between words on their own.
Then they put the words to the sentence in order and read it!
This excites more than they will ever know!
#EarlyLiteracyLuv #Lovemyjob #ETK #Kindergartentransitions
A few of my students wanted to add more to their sentence frame.
Follow the child... and they may surprise you!
Moments like these make my heart sing... 

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

144/180 A Day in the Life of ETK

Completing some spring assessments
Today it was writing 1-10.
I had a model in case the students needed it.
Some knew how to write it on their own.
Other's like J, used the model posted.
D has just started to write the first letter of his name.
Using the posted model was challenging for him.
So I wrote the number above for him to reference.
Then I did a quick 1 to 1 correspondence counting! 

The best way to get your trays and mats cleaned!
Free labor and some fun!
Our basil is thriving and so is our chocolate mint!
What shall we make?

More strawberries are ready!
I noticed someone at recess (we share the yard) tried to take a bite.
... we cut a few strawberries and shared a taste!

Technology center!