Monday, December 18, 2017


For nearly a year I couldn't drive by a McDonalds without bursting into tears.
Even now, 
two years later,
I still expect to see her sitting there
reading the Chinese Times,
with her coffee, 
apple pie, 
and a bag with chocolate chip cookies
that she would save to bring home for Daniel and Bryce.

It was two years ago today when we said goodbye.
Not a day goes by when I don't miss you (and Dad).
I know I am selfish. 
I had you for 81 years.
I wanted more.
Some people don't even get half of those years with their parent.
I know how lucky I was.
But it doesn't make me miss you any less.
I miss that smile.
Always genuine.
I miss that laugh.
You found humor in so many things.
I wish I could do that too.
I'm trying.
But it's not as easy for me.
So I'll keep trying.
I miss your patience with Daniel.
You understood him.
He always knew you were on his side.
I wish he knew I was too.
I'm trying.
I am grateful for all the adventures we took together.
Long and short distances.
You were never one to sit still.
Always wanting to explore new places.
I can't seem to sit still either.
I get that from you.
I am grateful that the boys got to know you.
They remember your words of wisdom.
The smells of your cooking.
Memories we've shared.
They miss you too.
You believed the most important thing was to make them happy.
And you did.
You showed courage, grace, and strength
even in times when I felt fear and hopelessness.
This is one of Bryce's favorite picture of you.
I hope he inherits your courage, grace, and strength.
In a world where you can be anything, you always chose KIND.
I don't think there was ever a time when you weren't kind.
You always thought of others.
Even when you didn't have much, you would give.
And you forgave.
You didn't believe in holding on to anger and grudges.
"What good is that?" you would say.
Forgiveness was part of your framework.
I am still working on that one.
You have left a legacy with high standards.
You would be proud to know that
they all have inherited your kindness and generosity...
along with your sweet tooth.
We miss you everyday.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Day 78 #Year31

I love directed drawing!
My students have a drawing journal,
but I haven't had a chance to lead the center before.
Today I did.
After interactive writing,

I followed up with directed drawing.
I don't focus on making it look like mine.
I focus on following step by step instruction.
Then we practiced the /r/ sound.
It drives me crazy when kids see Rr and say /er/.
If they are to learn the sound, they have to practice it orally.
This year's class is so different than last.
They are not as "literate" ready in letters, phonics, and words.
So I was thrilled to see that several kids took it upon themselves to write a whole sentence.
Even a simple sentence (using my interactive writing model) was exciting!
The model was inside the classroom, so I know they have the words I and see down!
Love when that happens!
December is the time for holiday projects.
I LOVE having Daniel and Bryce's class ornaments on our tree.
I am hoping these are the beginning of many years of annual ornaments.

Day 77 #Year31

Day 76 #Year31

I use to make chocolate dipped marshmallow snowmen.
It was a bit messy and time consuming,
but made with love.
Today I gave my students that same experience.
Wasn't  how I imagined it to be.
But a great experience for my kiddos and a little science...
chocolate melts... and then hardens
But the best experience for them...
Melted chocolate is really tasty...
especially on your fingers!
Today Daniel turned 17.
We celebrated last night with his BBF (Birthday Buddy Forever) Mason!
Every year for the past 5 years Mason and Daniel has celebrated together.
Love him!
Dinner at Boiling Crab with our village.
Grateful that Daniel feels the love.
So do I.
Love them!

Monday, December 4, 2017

Day 71 #Year31

Gratitude: A Week in Review

Last Tuesday was Giving Tuesday.
It's a day that promotes giving.
I gave...
But I also received far more than I expected.

Every summer for the past seven years I've written a 
FED-CO Field Trip Grant.
I got lucky most of the time.
This fall, I thought I was lucky again.
I was sent a congratulatory email.
I was so excited.
I told my students the next day because I was so excited.
That same afternoon I received another email.
The grant had been rescinded.
It was a mistake.
Bitterly disappointed
and shocked,
I went into proactive mode.
I was going to make it happen somehow.

And on Giving Tuesday...
Twenty-wonderful people made it happen.
To be grateful is an understatement.
I was hoping for some help.
I was expecting to fund the rest.
Truly touched, forever grateful for friends, family, and strangers.

The past week has reminded me that I have much to be grateful for...

Thankful for all the donors that have filled my classroom 
with materials that my students use and learn from daily.

Thankful that I have a job that inspires me each and every day.
Grateful for being able to witness self discoveries, growth, and development.
Thankful for students that make me learn, laugh, cry, sing, dance, and celebrate.
Thankful that being able to watch my students grow and become amazing young adults.
Grateful that they want me to remain a part of their lives.
Thankful for Alhambra High's Mighty Moors Marching Band.
Grateful that they provide a place for Daniel to belong.
Thankful for Kathy and RJ.
Grateful that Bryce will always have connections to his past
and added support for his future.
Thankful for car companies that provide free tickets to Auto Shows.
Grateful for time spent together on a beautiful Saturday afternoon
making memories.

 Life is not perfect, but it's good.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Day 69 #Year 31

Day 68 #Year31

Teaching ETK/Early Childhood Education makes me happy! 
No matter how tough of a day I'm having,
Someone always makes me smile!
Jesse has been asking me when we are going out for noodles and sushi.
We share a love for both.
Need to find a time.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Day 64 #Year31

When you have to take a day off to take your boys to doctor's appointments because they don't have appointments after 3:00pm and you get off of work at 2:40pm... #teacherslife #singlemomlife #life

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Day 63 #Year31

Today, the students made wonderful dolls with corn husks. We had watched a video about what life was like in the past for one Native American tribe. 

It turned into a discussion about the past. Students were surprised that there was no electricity or tablets back them! Cars didn't exist and you couldn't go to Toys R Us to buy toys. You made your own toys to play with. I thought it would be meaningful for students to make toys. Brought up the idea to my talented paraprofessionals and they found an easy do it yourself video:

The results were pretty amazing! Not only did the students make dolls today, but they all had such an wonderful time playing them! Boys and girls alike used their dolls during playtime and of course wanted to take them home to share! You could say it was a successful activity! Loved all the imagination and language! #activitiesthatteach #learningabouthistory

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Day 60 #Year31

A 1/3 of the way through the year!
Crazy how fast time flies...
We just finished completing our student-led conferences today.
Now I have to finish rating scores for my students.
816 scores to be exact.
That's a lot... and I only have to do 15 kids!

Monday, November 6, 2017